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CIC & International Partnerships

CIC & International Partnerships


The College of Intercultural Communication was established in 2008 and our international partnerships have steadily grown over time. First, we branched out to countries that would support the languages that CIC students learn (English, Chinese, German, French, Korean, and Spanish). Next, we diversified our partnerships to include countries that use other languages, represent other cultures, and present alternative locations, which amplified the academic opportunities and rich experiences for CIC students. Then, in 2022 in preparation for increasing our annual enrollment from 145 students to 210 students starting in 2024, we began in earnest to expand the number of our partnerships to meet the needs of more students as well as the growing percentage of students who are language-ready to sit for academic courses conducted in English. We are still seeking new partners to provide students with additional mobility choices. This effort has garnered great benefits to CIC, our students, our courses, and to the campus life at Rikkyo University—as well as to all of the exchange students we have welcomed.

In principle, all CIC students are expected to participate in a study abroad experience. The purposes of studying abroad for CIC are to develop language use skills, gain an understanding of another culture as well as one's own, and grow as a member of the global society by experiencing daily life in another culture. To this end, the CIC Study Abroad Program is a one or two-semester-long for-credit program where students study at the academic level in English, German, French, Spanish, Korean, or Chinese or study language (English, German, French, Korean, or Spanish) at an identified affiliated university. In principle, students who enter CIC in the Spring depart in the second semester of their second year of education (in the Fall), and students who enter CIC in the Fall depart in the first semester of their third year of education (in the Fall). CIC expects that the study abroad experience will influence a student's choice of senior thesis topic. For degree-seeking international students--who have chosen Japan as their study abroad experience--can also study abroad through CIC and are asked to contact the CIC Study Abroad Program Office for information.

CIC Curriculum

The College of Intercultural Communication undergraduate program rests upon two principles: Understanding and Implementation. The approach of putting theoretical knowledge into practice is combined with student choice, allowing them to find an area(s) of interest among the four specialized fields of: Language Studies, Communication Studies, Global Studies, and Translation and Interpreting Studies. Students will ultimately focus on one of the four fields of our curriculum as the guiding topic of their graduation thesis.

Within the CIC, we have the Dual Language Pathway (DLP). Each year a cohort of 15 Japanese students enter the DLP with the focus of taking most of their classes in English and with the plan to study abroad for one year in English. CIC is also a member of the university-wide PEACE Program initiative. PEACE Program students will earn their degrees entirely in English. Thus, a core part of the CIC curriculum is conducted in English,covering all four years of the undergraduate program. The majority of these courses are open to our international exchange students, allowing them to take courses conducted in English while also study Japanese.
Incoming international exchange students also have access to courses conducted in English and Japanese that are offered by other faculties on campus.

Messages from the Dean and the Director

The College of Intercultural Communication views current and future partner universities as a part of our academic endeavor. Our partnerships represent worldwide colleagues with whom we work in collaboration to provide an academic experience rich in intercultural experiences for our collective students. We know the challenges of navigating academic life and how those challenges are enhanced in an unfamiliar environment. We support international exchange students to best of our abilities to enable them to succeed.

Satomi Mori, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Intercultural Communication

CIC is excited about our exchange partnerships, and we value how they significantly contribute to the growth of all of our university students. CIC believes in students living and learning together with international peers, and that’s a driving reason behind why CIC offers engaging classes in both English and Japanese, allowing students to challenge themselves as well as encouraging interactive learning with peers from diverse backgrounds. CIC also offers programs that extend beyond the campus boundary to promote active learning in everyday life. We look forward to supporting your students along their journey toward a life of embracing differences.

Ron Martin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, International Exchange Programs

As a full-time professor, I find great joy in overseeing our Study Abroad Program focused on the academic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal gains for all students involved. I am fortunate to have been able to meet a number of our partners in person at NAFSA, EAIE, and APAIE in addition to making a number of campus visits. Success in student mobility depends upon partner relationships and understood expectations.

Support from the CIC Study Abroad Program Office

The College of Intercultural Communication operates an antonymous Study Abroad Program office separate from the Rikkyo University International Office. We have two outbound coordinators, one inbound coordinator, and another coordinator who is focused on faculty-led short-term programs. International exchange students receive support (in English or Japanese) from the application process through to the end of their journey with us.

Buddy System

International exchange students will be partnered with a Japanese student who will help them with their use of Japanese as well as on-campus and daily life needs. This Buddy System is especially helpful during the first few weeks from orientation to the start of classes.

Application Schedule, Cost and Accommodations

Find information to key issues for international exchange students coming to CIC.


Find information about courses, course registrations, and other academic issues.

Center for Japanese Language Education

The Center for Japanese Language Education supports learners from beginners to those conducting research. Students also can access their help desk at any time.

Campus Guide

Rikkyo University has two campuses. CIC is located on the Ikebukuro Campus, but students may enroll in courses on the Niiza Campus as well.

CIC International Exchange Partners

We are grateful for having such diverse and like-minded partners.
(As for the 2023 Academic Year -- our parner universities are as shown below.)
1 University of Sydney
2 Macquarie University
3 Kookmin University
4 Sungkonghoe University
5 National Taiwan Normal University
6 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
7 National Cheng Kung University
8 University of Hong Kong
9 Universiti Brunei Darussalam
10 University of Nottingham Malaysia
11 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
12 Yeditepe University
13 University of Eastern Finland
14 SWPS University
15 Eötvös Loránd University
16 Masaryk University
17 Örebro University
18 University of Ljubljana
19 Roskilde University
20 University of Agder
21 Osnabrück University
22 University of Cologne
23 Hochschule der Medien
24 Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
25 UCLouvain Universite Saint-Louis-Bruxelles
26 University of Orléans
27 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
28 University of the Basque Country
29 University of Huelva
30 York St John University
31 University of Manchester
32 Keele University
33 University of Wales Trinity Saint David
34 University of Lisbon
35 University of New Brunswick
36 Ohio State University
37 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
38 Austin Peay State University
39 Kansas State University
40 Northern Arizona University
41 San Diego State University
42 Pacific University Oregon
43 Central Washington University
44 Vancouver Island University

*As of December 16, 2024
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