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Undergraduate Program

Study Abroad Program

The College of Intercultural Communication study abroad program is unique even though studying abroad has become more commonplace worldwide. Here are four exceptional features of our Study Abroad Program. Feature 1: the Overseas Study Program is a credit-bearing course, giving it several benefits. One, students will not have to transfer credit back from the host university; students earn credit from CIC for going. Two, students are encouraged to enroll in any academic course of interest while studying abroad. Three, students can graduate in four years. Feature 2: students study abroad for one or two semesters. Feature 3: our curriculum is open to our incoming international exchange partner students. Such a connection allows students to develop and maintain connections outside of the study abroad term. Feature 4: our curriculum has for-credit courses in place to prepare for and debrief after the study abroad experience.

CIC International Exchange Partners

To say that the College of Intercultural Communication is proud of our diverse list of international exchange partners would be an understatement. Not only do we welcome between nearly 30% of all incoming international exchange students who come to Rikkyo University, our partner students reflect who and what we aim to be: a pluralistic and plurilingual community.

Study Abroad Schedule

The College of Intercultural Communication does not treat studying abroad as just an “option” or “feature”. For us, it is in integral component to our curriculum. Studying abroad starts with planning for it, and the experience will continue to inform student choices until graduation and beyond.
1. Study abroad planning
First year, Spring semester
  • Study abroad guidance
  • Information sessions on specific CIC exchanges and affiliated partners
  • Group/individual meetings with the Study Abroad Office
  • On-campus IELTS examination
2. Study abroad program applications
First year, Fall semester
  • Application process within CIC
  • Nomination to destination university
  • Guidance sessions

3. Departure preparations
Second year, Spring semester
  • Visa application/Scholarship application
  • Vaccination, insurance, airline ticket, and accommodation arrangements
  • Seminars/Guidance (mental health seminar, risk management seminar, etc.)

Study abroad

Upon return to Rikkyo
  • Prepare reports, submit academic transcript from study abroad institution
  • Enroll in the Study Abroad, Study Planning, and Career Development course to debrief and discuss future plans.

CIC International Exchange Agreements

We are grateful for having such diverse and like-minded partners.
(As for the 2023 Academic Year -- our parner universities are as shown below.)
1 University of Sydney
2 Macquarie University
3 Kookmin University
4 Sungkonghoe University
5 National Taiwan Normal University
6 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
7 National Cheng Kung University
8 University of Hong Kong
9 Universiti Brunei Darussalam
10 University of Nottingham Malaysia
11 Yeditepe University
12 University of Eastern Finland
13 SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
14 Eötvös Loránd University
15 Masaryk University
16 Örebro University
17 University of Ljubljana
18 Roskilde University
19 University of Agder
20 Osnabrück University
21 University of Cologne
22 Hochschule der Medien
23 Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
24 UCLouvain Universite Saint-Louis-Bruxelles
25 University of Orléans
26 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
27 University of the Basque Country
28 University of Huelva
29 York St John University
30 University of Manchester
31 Keele University
32 University of Wales Trinity Saint David
33 University of Lisbon
34 University of New Brunswick
35 Ohio State University
36 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
37 Austin Peay State University
38 Kansas State University
39 Northern Arizona University
40 San Diego State University
41 Pacific University Oregon
42 Central Washington University
43 Vancouver Island University

*As of July 16, 2024

CIC Study Abroad Program Office

In addition to providing information on studying abroad and the various procedures involved, the Study Abroad Program Office is also ready to support students at any time while they are overseas. Group interviews are compulsory for all first-year students before studying abroad, and individual interviews are done as necessary. The Study Abroad Program Office has several specialist staff who offer students support from the moment that they are admitted to Rikkyo until their return to Japan.

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