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CIC & International Partnerships

Course Showcase

Cultural Exchange and Service Learning C: English Camp were created specifically to incorporate international exchange students alongside CIC students. Both courses seek to enrich the intercultural communication awareness and skills of all students.

Cultural Exchange (Spring Semester)

This course covers three broad themes over the duration of one semester: Understanding culture as a Study Abroad participant, experiencing contrasts among different cultures as an active participant in the social world, and adjusting to cultural differences in face-to-face interactions. The course explores broader issues of culture and intercultural awareness, defining culture from multi-dimensional points of view. It helps students realize the ways in which values are involved in real-life intercultural exchanges. This is a required course for CIC students and an optional course for international exchange students, and so CIC and international students learn side-by-side.

Service Learning C: English Camp (Fall Semester)

This course is an elective and designed to have 15 CIC students and 15 international exchange students. They will work together to learn how to support and enhance the English communication skills of elementary and junior high school students through CIC community outreach activities in coordination with Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture, and the Toshima Ward school district located in Tokyo. This experiential learning-based class has students plan and conduct English language activities in taking into account of the students' age, language learning backgrounds, and interests.
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