






総代 Serli TOMITA さん(TESOL-Jプログラム修了)

I’m honored to write this message for the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication TESOL-J program 2021 graduation ceremony.

About two and a half years ago, I came to the Rikkyo University Ikebukuro Campus for the first time to talk with Dr. Satomi Mori about my research ideas and the possibility of studying at this program. I was humbled by her kindness and encouragement; our conversation gave me the confidence I lacked and defined a future path that I always dreamed of but never believed I could achieve. My future encounters with other faculty have not differed for the past two years; I’ve been amazed by their knowledge and humility.

Having a small group of students, we had to be well prepared for each class; complete reading or writing assignments, and be ready for presentations. It was a lot of hard work, but we did all that with lots of joy and satisfaction. We had the best discussions and learned from each other’s opinions. Most importantly, we always supported each other as friends, and we felt appreciated by the teachers.

I look forward to applying what this program has taught me to my future experiences as an English teacher in Japan. Furthermore, having met the best scholars in the field, I’m inspired to continue research in the bilingualism field and continue the hard work.
Studying at this graduate school was one of the most fulfilling experiences and one of the most significant accomplishments of my life. I’m grateful to my professors, friends, and family; this accomplishment would not have been possible without their tremendous support.

副総代 小宮 秀人さん(5年一貫プログラム修了)


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