山下 智恵理さん(総代)
「ちがい」から生じる様々な問題を学び、自分には何ができるかを考え、もがいた4年間でした。特に、『自分と違う人が生きやすくなる世界とは、明日の自分が生きやすくなる世界である』ことを学び、何事もどう自分ごと化させられるか考える習性が身についたように思います。今後は、ガンジーの言葉である“Be the Change You Want to See in the World”をモットーに、自分が理想とする未来を自分で切り拓いて行くための「引き出し」を増やしていきたいと思います。
石川 奈実さん(副総代、DLPコース主席)
Yashwini Selvarajさん
Over the years, taking the courses at Rikkyo, I have developed an interest in public policy. Therefore, I intend to go to graduate school to advance my understanding of policy, and learn ways it can be leveraged to solve some of the most pressing problems of the 21st century. After completing a Master’s in Public Policy, I hope to use the skillsets and experiences I’ve gained to pursue a career that addresses the systemic inequities in opportunity that exist in the Global South. I hope to start as a policy analyst on a team at an impactful organization such as the United Nations, World Bank, or UNDP. Through my work, I aspire to assess the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs and consider designing new policies and strategies to reduce this multifaceted social inequity.